Drinking Alone in the Moonlight (3)
Li Bai
It’s April in Xianyang.
The flowers clothe each day in finery.
Who mopes with this to see?
The springtime blues need drink, most urgently!
Success and span of life
Were stitched up long ago by destiny,
So drown such mysteries!
View death and life with equanimity.
Drink takes the world away;
As one by one, we sleep, quite suddenly.
Unconscious of myself;
There is no greater pleasure known to me.
This great series of drinking poems by Li Bai (701-762) includes two that perfectly embody the ambivalence and irony that define his style. The third poem is the greatest: Li Bai realises that his double-edged relationship with the bottle hasn’t changed even in the big city, even in the most joyful season. The loneliness in his drinking came not entirely from circumstance, but also from within himself.
李白 月下独酌 其三