My Pleasure at Meeting an Old Friend from Liangzhou Here on the River Huai Wei Yingwu I toured the Han and Yangtze once; we'd meet And we would roll home drunk, every night. The rivers flowed, and with them, ten years passed; As drifting clouds, we two drifted apart. Today, if greying hair's a sombre chill, It's thawed by unchanged friendship's warm delight. So stay and watch the autumn take the hills Along the Huai; your trip back north can wait. 韦应物 淮上喜会梁州故人 江汉曾为客,相逢每醉还。 浮云一别后,流水十年间。 欢笑情如旧,萧疏鬓已斑。 何因不归去?淮上有秋山。
Sorry to be pulling repeats on you. It’s the start of the school year, and I’m busy. My evening walks, which are when I usually do my poetry translation, have been cannibalised by lesson prep.
Normal service will resume just as soon as I get these new courses under way.