To Deputy Censor Li on His Return to His Hanyang Residence Liu Changqing Cast off, this hero of the southern wars, Who led millions, not so long ago. They’ve sent you home; with no occupation waiting any more, You’ll age and brood on golden years in the golden retinue. You single-handed quieted three theatres of war, How many times you risked life and limb, only that one sword can know. Above the rivers, round the city, darkness falls. When the sun sets, where then will you go? 刘常卿 送李中丞归汉阳别业 流落征南将,曾驱十万师。 罢归无旧业,老去恋明时。 独立三边静,轻生一剑知。 茫茫江汉上,日暮复何之。
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Liu Changqing mourns the fate of a general
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To Deputy Censor Li on His Return to His Hanyang Residence Liu Changqing Cast off, this hero of the southern wars, Who led millions, not so long ago. They’ve sent you home; with no occupation waiting any more, You’ll age and brood on golden years in the golden retinue. You single-handed quieted three theatres of war, How many times you risked life and limb, only that one sword can know. Above the rivers, round the city, darkness falls. When the sun sets, where then will you go? 刘常卿 送李中丞归汉阳别业 流落征南将,曾驱十万师。 罢归无旧业,老去恋明时。 独立三边静,轻生一剑知。 茫茫江汉上,日暮复何之。