Six Short Poems (3) Du Fu A well with A watercourse criss-crossing breaking leaves the roots of bamboo of palms, too A little raft A little path twisting lightly twisting leading to its rope the little town 杜甫 绝句六首·其三 凿井交棕叶,开渠断竹根。 扁舟轻袅缆,小径曲通村。
OK, having written my title, I find the world’s dictionary websites think that “mazy” means “having the qualities of a maze or labyrinth.” Please be assured that the dictionaries are wrong, and mazy days means lazy, happy, warm days of summer. British people, back me up on this!
Here Du Fu is simply spotting the visual and physical consonances in the world that match the way he writes his poems. The leaves criss-cross, the roots do not; the mooring rope bends, the path meanders.
Are you translating only the characters? Does the English speaking reader need more words to make the poem understandable?